Elite Business Advice

Elite Business Advice

Join Chris Moore of Elite Business Advisors and his weekly guests as they discuss topics relevant to small business owners.

Elite Business Advice
  • Social Media Usage For Success

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    We all know that we need to be using social media in our business. But how do we do it effectively? What should we be posting? What’s the cadence or the strategy? In this episode we break down how to organically gain traction on ...

  • Mindset of an Entrepreneur

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    Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. It takes a lot of guts, courage, and risk to become an entrepreneur, not to mention a very high Adversity and Emotional Quotient. In today’s episode we break down a few of the minds...

  • Pitfalls of a Growth Mindset

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    Being an entrepreneur and a visionary can be a great thing in building a successful business, but it also opens you up to a lot of risk the more you grow. In this episode, we break down the most common pitfall we see of having a ...

  • Ask Us Anything Vehicle Purchases, Credit Card Fees, Referral Bonuses and More

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    It’s been a bit since we did an Ask Us Anything, so we wanted to catch up on our list of your questions!

    In this episode we cover:
    o Vehicle Purchases – Business vs. Personally
    o Best Ways to Capture Before/After Pictures

  • Automating to 7 Figures

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    We all have 24 hours in a day, but the key factor in determining our success is how we use those 24 hours in a day. What if we could find ways to work smarter and not harder? What if we had some key systems in place to achieve mo...

  • Hiring & Recruiting the Smart Way

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    In the final episode of our 3 Part Series on Hiring & Recruiting the Smart Way with Dan Fleisher, co-founder of HireBus, we focus in on why you should ABR. Always Be Recruiting! We will cover the benefits of leaving your hiring f...

  • Hiring & Recruiting the Smart Way

    Become a member: https://www.pcapainted.org/membership-resources/

    In last week’s episode, Part 1 of our series, we explained how Painting Contractors can help fill the top of the funnel to ensure they have a lot of interest in people working for their business. In today’s episode, we’re going t...

  • Hiring & Recruiting the Smart Way

    Become a member: https://www.pcapainted.org/membership-resources/

    You spend a lot of your resources marketing your business to get customers, so why don’t you treat the 2nd biggest problem Painting Contractors have the same way…. Hiring the right talent for your business. If you say there are n...

  • Doing What You Need to in 2024

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    Intentions, goals and plans are great, but if you don’t have the systems to follow through on the action items needed, they’re useless. In this episode, we go back to some basic fundamental tools on productivity and follow throug...

  • Making 2024 Your Best Year Yet

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    Even though we’re 3 weeks into the new year, it’s not too late to start or revisit your goals for this year! In today’s episode we break down the 3 main areas you should plan out your year in: Business, Personal, Family. We’ll he...

  • Heiler Painting The What, Why and How of Partnerships

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    In last weeks episode, we interviewed Sean Davies and Tom Heiler of Heiler Painting in Philadelphia to hear how they’ve made their partnership work so well and the lessons learned along the way. In today’s episode we’re going to ...

  • Heiler Painting - The What, Why and How of Partnerships

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    Making a partnership work in business can be a difficult thing, but it can also be a way to amplify the reach and opportunity in the business. In this 2 part series to kick off 2024, we interview Sean Davies and Tom Heiler of Hei...

  • Professionalization of Your Business Series Operations

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    In the final episode of our 5-part series on Professionalizing Your Painting Business, we cover the 4 components we feel are necessary for operations in your business. We cover things on both the day to day operations of your bus...

  • Professionalization of Your Business Series Recruiting

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    In the 4th episode of our 5-part series on Professionalizing Your Painting Business, we cover the 4 components we feel are necessary for recruiting and retaining good talent in a professionalized company. We cover: Having a struc...

  • Professionalization of Your Business Series Estimating

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    In the 3rd episode of our 5-part series on Professionalizing Your Painting Business, we cover the 4 components we feel are necessary for estimating in a professionalized company. We cover: Having an Estimating Numbers System, A P...

  • Professionalization of Your Business Series Marketing

    Become a member: https://www.pcapainted.org/membership-resources/

    In the 2nd episode of our 5-part series on Professionalizing Your Painting Business, we cover the 4 components we feel are necessary for marketing in a professionalized company. We’ll cover how to implement an actual marketing pl...

  • Professionalization of Your Business Series Finances

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    We’re kicking off our 5-part series on Professionalizing Your Painting Business today with the Finances topic. In this episode we’ll cover a few key things that you should be doing for the finances of your business to make sure y...

  • 5 Step Process to Making Decisions

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    When was the last time you had to make a key decision for your company? How did it make you feel? Scared, anxious, unconfident? In today’s episode, EBA Advisors Chris Moore and Jess Stephenson share about the 5 steps/things to co...

  • Your Board of Advisors

    Become a member: https://www.pcapainted.org/membership-resources/

    Entrepreneurship can be a lonely road to navigate on your own. The best way to overcome this and ensure your business is successful is to have a trusted board of advisors around you to help you navigate each thing you will encoun...

  • How to Avoid Burnout as a Solo-Preneur and Duplicate Beyond Yourself

    Become a member: https://www.pcapainted.org/membership-resources/

    Being an entrepreneur that operates solo is hands down one of the hardest parts of entrepreneurship. Many entrepreneurs, including myself in both businesses, started out solo, only to scale it from there. In today’s episode we ta...

  • ​​The Law of Attraction

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    The Law of Attraction is a real component to be aware of in both our business and personal lives. Who we spend time with, what we believe, our outlook on life with determine the clients, employee’s, friends, etc. that we attract ...

  • The Top 5 Mistakes Business Owners Make

    Become a member: https://www.pcapainted.org/membership-resources/

    One of the things we love about working with painting contractors all over North America is getting to benchmark and identify the common mistakes they make in order to help others. In today’s episode we share the top 5 mistakes t...

  • The 5 KPI’s You Should Know

    Become a member: https://www.pcapainted.org/membership-resources/

    In business there are so many reports, numbers and data points that you can look at it can become overwhelming. So in this episode, we break down the 5 most important and impactful numbers to look at on a daily, weekly, and month...

  • Ask Us Anything Pt. 2

    Become a member: https://www.pcapainted.org/membership-resources/

    Our 1st “Ask Us Anything” episode had such a great response and prompted a lot of questions sent, so we didn’t want to wait too long to do another one and answer them!

    In this episode we cover:
    Production Manager Compensation a...