Elite Business Advice

Elite Business Advice

Join Chris Moore of Elite Business Advisors and his weekly guests as they discuss topics relevant to small business owners.

Elite Business Advice
  • Ask Us Anything Pt. 2

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    Our 1st “Ask Us Anything” episode had such a great response and prompted a lot of questions sent, so we didn’t want to wait too long to do another one and answer them!

    In this episode we cover:
    Production Manager Compensation a...

  • The Pumpkin Plan

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    Have you ever wondered how a farmer grows the world largest pumpkin? More importantly, how does that apply to your life and business? In this episode we dive into discovering the things you need to cut/trim in your life and busin...

  • Tax Strategy Series Part 2 Strategies to Lower Your Taxable Income

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    Tax Strategy Series Part 2: Strategies to Lower Your Taxable Income
    In part 2 of our Tax Strategy Series we discuss both common and advanced tax strategies that you can look into and implement into your business these last 4 mont...

  • Tax Strategy Series - S-Corporations

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    One huge tax saving strategy for many business owners is filing as an S-Corporation. In today’s episode we cover what is an S-Corporation, when should you elect to file as one, and most importantly what are the operating differen...

  • Ask Us Anything Part 1

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    While we try to make our episode content based around common questions, themes and topics we hear about and have discussion with our clients around, we don’t want to forget the shorter simpler questions that just need a couple of...

  • How Your Personal Finances Affect Your Business

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    One common thing we see with business owners is they take more money out of their business than the current stage of the business is actually making. In essence, they bleed the cash dry for the business to pay themselves. Our sol...

  • Building Stronger Relationships

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    A lot of people understand the importance and role that relationships play in both their business and personal life, but few understand how to better connect and strengthen those relationships. In today’s episode we share 2 key t...

  • Planning For Winter

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    One of the best things that you can do for your business to avoid any slow seasons is be VERY proactive and plan ahead. This is the whole reason we just hosted our 1st Elite Business Retreat for our clients, to help them plan ahe...

  • Top Mistakes New (and seasoned) Entrepreneurs Make

    Become a member: https://www.pcapainted.org/membership-resources/

    Working with entrepreneurs at all stages of business, you start to notice patterns, trends, and common themes. While we were compiling a list of the top mistakes that we see new entrepreneurs make, we realized that a lot of veter...

  • Gratitude and Gratefulness

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    When is the last time that you took time to reflect on all of the thing’s you’re thankful for? Practicing gratitude every morning for 5 to 10 minutes can make a huge impact on your mindset and the things your brain focuses (posit...

  • Running a Business With Your Spouse

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    Chad & Corrie Leister: Running a Business With Your Spouse – Part 4
    ● What is work/life balance? Shouldn’t it be more of a work/life integration? In the final episode of our Running a Business With Your Spouse series, we intervie...

  • Ryan & Danie Turry: Running a Business With Your Spouse – Part 3

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    There is something to be said about having great communication with your spouse in your marriage, but even more importantly in your business! In Part 3 of our Running a Business with Your Spouse series, we interview Ryan and Danie...

  • Running a Business With Your Spouse - Part 2

    Become a member: https://www.pcapainted.org/membership-resources/

    How do you operate when you have 2 visionaries and 2 integrators AND you have to go home to each other every night? In this week’s episode, Part 2 of our Running a Business With Your Spouse series, we interview Austin and Lacie Il...

  • Running a Business With Your Spouse Part 1

    Become a member: https://www.pcapainted.org/membership-resources/

    Marriage can be difficult enough as it is. Adding a business on top of it can be an extra strain, so how do you navigate running a business together while maintaining a healthy marriage? Join us for this 4-part series that we kick...

  • Being Fulfilled in Your Business: Part 2

    We talked on last week’s episode about how to determine what your strengths are and what fulfills you. On today’s episode, part 2 of the Being Fulfilled in Your Business Series, we discuss the action plan and how to implement putting yourself in the role(s) that fulfill you and use your God given...

  • Being Fulfilled in Your Business: Part 1

    Become a member: https://www.pcapainted.org/membership-resources/

    Have you ever felt like you weren’t super fulfilled in the role you’re taking on in your business? In today’s episode we talk with Crystal Scott about figuring out what fulfills you, what your strengths are, and how to identify th...

  • The Infinite Game of Business

    Become a PCA Member: https://www.pcapainted.org/membership-resources/

    Winning a game with a defined time period or score is a great feeling. But how do you “win” infinite games that never end such as business, life, finances, parenting, etc.? In today’s episode we provide some insight to the cha...

  • The 5 Financial Principles to Live By

    Become a PCA Member: https://www.pcapainted.org/membership-resources/

    There are a lot of great financial “one-liners” and principles that you can choose to implement into your personal and business life. In today’s episode we share the 5 primary ones that we embody on a personal level and help o...

  • Comprehensive Marketing Plans

    Become a PCA Member: https://www.pcapainted.org/membership-resources/

    There are so many ways that you can generate leads for your business, so putting them together in a comprehensive marketing plan can be challenging. In today’s episode we share the full blown marketing plan that yields results...

  • Why Systems, SOP’s and Competency Checks Are Vital to Your Business

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    Have you ever worked in a job environment that had structure, systems, Standard Operating Procedures and periodic evaluations in place? More likely than not, it ran like a well oiled machine! The question is, how do you put so...

  • Relationship Marketing for Profitable Growth

    As a business owner, the best assets you have for marketing your business are your happy, satisfied customers that already know, like and trust you. In today’s episode we talk with Rachel Grimm, the Marketing Advisor for Elite Business Advisors to share some foundational practices you can put in ...

  • Dr. Jessica Ray: The Disney Experience

    Have you ever been to Disney world? If so, you’ll understand why it’s called the most magical place on earth! What makes it so magical though? In today’s episode we interview Dr. Jessica Ray, owner of Chiro-Med to share how she’s implemented the Disney Experience philosophy into her practice to c...

  • Lasso Leadership Lessons

    In honor of the previous 99 episodes we’ve released, we thought we’d highlight some useful information from our favorite show, Ted Lasso! If you’ve seen the show, some of these Top 10 lessons will send you down memory lane, and if you haven’t, you will still be able to take these principles and a...

  • AI & Social Media

    One of the hottest topics in business right now is utilizing AI in your business. In today’s episode we have Jeff Pfitzer back on the show to talk about ways he’s seeing businesses use AI, new trends emerging on social media, and things that you can do to increase your brand in the digital space....