Live at a historic church restoration project with THE Chris Mole
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Ask a Painter Live #411:
Live at a historic church restoration project with THE Chris Mole of Mr Mole’s Painting LLC
Do you own a job or a business?
What do you charge for X?
How do you schedule?
What's the best type of marketing?
Where can you find all the good people?
What positions should you delegate?
All of these questions answered in the industries finest business boot camp - Painting Contractors Association - PCA Business Training:
Upcoming Events:
-Louisville, Ky Master's Class 12 Apr 24 - contact your SW rep to attend!
-Syracuse, NY Master's Class 17 May 24 - contact your SW rep to attend!
-New Hampshire Master's Class 24 May 24 - contact your SW rep to attend!
-The Retreat w Nick Slavik Summer l - 13-16 Aug - more info to follow!
-Tom Reber's Mile High Profit Summit - 19 Sep 24 - more to follow!
-SoCal // SurfPrep Master's Class - 27 Sep 24 - more info to follow!
-Gathering of MN Painters / SW / Graco Master's Class - 6 Dec 24
Link to the PCA's event page (updates coming soon!):
Want a LIVE Masters Class in your area? Contact Marsha at the PCA [email protected] and we can arrange it for you!
Nick Slavik
Nick Slavik Painting & Restoration Co.
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