Building Business Foundations
1h 39m
In this week's bobcast (one I've been looking forward to), I catch up with a top fella and all-around nice chap along with being a fellow Yorkshire-man, Russ Whittaker. Russ is based in Sheffield where he can be found at the helm, churning out the quality work of his company Russ Whittaker Decorative Finishes. I really enjoyed this one as Russ is a typical Yorkshire man full of banter and a pleasure to have a chin-wag with.
Join us as we discuss the likes of:
-Regional accents and dialects
-Building Business Foundations
-Working for "old school" firms and the camaraderie on them
-Quality Control
You know the drill by now, get a brew, pin back your lugs and give it a listen and give us (@brothersofthebrushinsta and Russ) your feedback by hash-tagging #bobcast on Insta and we'll give you a shout-out back!