Innovative Wesley "Wes" Knight
2h 5m
In this week's episode, I finally get to sit down and chat with the innovations legend and thoroughly all round nice chap that is Wes Knight. Based out of Kent, Wes is probably most well known for his shiny doors, along with his ideas for getting around awkward tasks. Join me as we discuss
Working with and for family Silicon spats and another innovative idea being camera shy on socials install aesthetics #showyourfuckupsThe only "Top Shelf" you're interested in now! Weekend dilemmas Itchy feet on your holidays managing notifications and messages Rigid systems Everyday Carry
You know the drill by now, get a brew, pin back your lugs and give it a listen give us (@brothersofthebrushinsta and Wes) your feedback by hash-tagging #bobcast on Insta and will give you a shout-out back