Project Managment Hacks For Faster Projects And Chunkier Profits
Contractor Evolution
1h 37m
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Do you have Project Managers Or Professional Firefighters?
The answer to this question is so directly connected to your year-end profit it’s not even funny.
They say: Money Loves Speed. But what does that really mean?
It means that the faster and more predictably your projects closeout, the faster you can move on to the next project. Over the course of the year, this means more revenue in the door which means more money to pay for your overhead and pad your bottom line.
The most profitable construction, trades, and home service companies all have on thing in common. They chew through projects QUICKLY, with fewer hiccups, mistakes, and callbacks than their competition.
So if the Project Management in your business feels chaotic and you want to learn how to fix it, this episode is a must-listen. Andrew Spear, a high-performance home builder in Summerland BC shares how he used PM systems to scale from an exhausting 2.6MM in 2021 to being on trend for a smooth and profitable 7MM in 2023. And Chris Collins of Royal Heating and Air Conditioning, a 3rd generation commercial HVAC contractor in Willoughby, Ohio, who’s used PM systems to modernize the business he took over and increase his gross profit from 31% to 42%.
00:00:00 - Intro
00:07:15 - Introductions
00:16:36 - Evolution From Chaos to Dialed In
00:26:14 - What Was The Catalyst For Change?
00:34:17 - How Exactly Does Better Project Management Impact The Bottom Line?
00:52:44 - Can You Show Us Your Core Project Management Systems?
01:13:16 - What Does GREAT Project Management Look Like In Your Business?
01:24:09 - What Do You Know Now You Wish You Knew Then?
01:28:18 - Q&A
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