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Sales is and always will be the lifeblood of your business. But if you're a business leader doing the lion's share of the selling and your team's closing rate is piss-poor (or even if it's, well, meh), you could be heading for a business blood clot.
It's time for a sales blood transfusion! Otherwise known as the wise words from this episode's guest, Ryan Groth, CEO of Sales Transformation Group – a man on a mission to change the industry by working specifically with contractors to help them achieve explosive sales growth.
Let's face it. As a business leader you really shouldn't be carrying the majority weight of the sales load – so how can you step aside, safe in the knowledge that your business won't go down the can?
And another question: How is it your competitor manages to close virtually all their deals when your team only manages less than 30%?
In this episode, Ryan and BTA's Benji and Igor shed light on these questions by explaining three habits that separate the above-average sales team from the elite.
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Up Next in Season 1
Identifying Top Performers and Future...
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Have you ever wondered what makes an elite contractor in your space ‘elite’? Or, to put it differently, have you ever wondered what keeps the chuck in the trucks stuck?
Why, when two business leaders, with similar c...
Run A Profitable Contracting Business
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Financials – the one word that can have even the most seasoned contracting leader running for the hills.
But, sorry to break this to you, mastering a budget is such a bedrock skill for your entire career as a busine...
Become a Professional Contractor
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Every business owner deals with a number of pain points on their journey to success. Whether that's recruitment challenges, stress and time management, or revenue and sales (to name just a few). Learning to navigate ...